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The State of Cyber Fitness in Australian Small Businesses

The State of Cyber Fitness in Australian Small Businesses

CREST, Cynch Security and RMIT University formed a coalition to collaboratively embark on one of Australia’s largest cyber security projects to research the cyber fitness of Australian small businesses.

This research project reports upon the attitudinal feedback of Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) businesses to ascertain their cyber-fitness based on their cyber-security preparedness, engagement, awareness, resilience and identify potential cyber-security gaps within the broader SME business community

The resultant 2021 State of Cyber Fitness in Australian Small Businesses industry white paper, explores an analysis of new data on the security challenges that Australian small business owners face following a year where their reliance on technology grew exponentially. The paper is downloadable from:

Key findings include:

  • 84% of Australian small businesses have adopted online services and rely on up to 30 seperate technologies.
  • 2 out of 5 small businesses have direct experience with a cyber incident worthy of reporting at some level.
  • 72% of small businesses consider cyber security as very important while only 50% rate physical security the same.

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Find out more about The State of Cyber Fitness in Australian Small Businesses

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